*These are the unapproved minutes from the September 28 Board of Directors Meeting.
Directors present: Julie Harris, Sheri Clark, Evan Lane, Sharon Virtue, (zoom, George Germaine and Kari Cussing. Executive director, John Gerow and Gennie Gerow. Guest Bret Harris.
President Julie Harris called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. After the invocation the agenda was presented. Motion by Sheri Clark and Evan Lane to approve the agenda, carried.
President Julie called an executive session and Bret Harris was excused from the room.
Executive session closed at 7:41 pm. Bret Harris was invited back to the meeting.
Sheri Clark and George Germaine motioned to approve the minutes of June 24, 2023. Carried.
Sheri Clark and Evan Lane motioned to approve the new member applications with the exception of 2 members that are not in good standing. Motion carried.
Executive Director John Gerow reported that October 7th auction only had 4 bidders after some discussion the directors concluded that future AMGA auctions would be semen and embryos due to lack of interest in live animals as the cost of shipping is so high.
Rules Committee Report: Kari Cussins, nothing to report.
Financial Report/Executive Report: Correction to balance sheet from $11,255.42 to $13,231.42. Quick books and balance off $1.12.
No Old Business to report.
New Business:
Executive Session report: Board voted to remove two members and suspend their cattle from the registry.
Election error due to typo in the bylaws, should have been 3 year terms for directors not 2. Thus the current ballot was incorrect. To correct this a motion was made by Evan Lane to issue new ballots with the correct members running for office with the opening of nominations by Monday, October 2, 8am Eastern time by email. Second by George Germaine, motion carried.
Motion by Kari and second by Evan to correct the typo in the bylaws, motion carried.
Executive Director John Gerow report that there is not enough ad revenue to publish the Murray Grey Review.
Motion by Sheri and second by Kari to skip 2023 and try again in 2024. Motion carried.
Motion by Sharon and second by Sheri to only accept animals from Murray Grey from UK Society, New Zealand Society, Canadian Murray Grey and Australia Murray Grey Society. All others would need to petition the AMGA Board to be admitted. Motion carried.
Committees to be appointed after the election.
Evan Lane motion to define the “good standing” as “dues paid, no unpaid invoices over 60 days”. Sharon second. Motion carried.
Kari requested a belt buckle for the junior showmanship for the national in Boise for 2024. Gennie will send the one buckle in our inventory. Gennie is waiting for a quote from Montana Silversmith before ordering a new supply.
Executive Director John Gerow and Gennie presented the 2024 Gerow Agreement. Sheri motion to increase the fee by $800.00, Evans second, motion carried.
Sheri motion to give a bonus of $500.00 to the Gerows for 2023. Sharon second, motion carried.
John was directed to get a cost for password protection of the registry so only members in good standing will have access.
Motion by Sheri to sell the large display booth that is not longer feasible to ship and haul around. Second by George. Motion carried.
The board regretfully accept the resignation of Kristy Peters.
Meeting adjourned at 9:42
Submitted by Sharon Virtue/Secretary |